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Seeking Therapy

People sometimes face troubling or distressing issues which affect their lives.

The troubling issues could relate to Anxiety, Worry, Panic, ADHD, Stress, Obsessive compulsive disorder, Depression, Gambling issues,  Anger management, Trauma/ Traumatic stress, Marriage or relationships, Bereavement or Terminal illness.

Troubling issues could  relate to current situations or experiences from the past.



Anxiety is normal, we feel anxious at times when we fear that something threatening or dangerous is about to happen. The body usually responds to this perceived danger or threat in a healthy way. However this fear can build up and occur at times when the situation(s) are not threatening or dangerous. This perception of the situation(s) could affect how the person feels; anxious and how they deal with the situation, for example avoidance. Sometimes this could develop to a level that it impacts on the person's personal and working life.

Types of Anxiety

There are different types of anxiety, for example General anxiety & Worry, Social anxiety, Health anxiety, Panic, Perinatal or Postpartum anxiety and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). 




Depression affects men and women with 1 in 10 adults having been diagnosed with depression, it is estimated that 1 in 3 adults will experience depression at some point in their lives.
It is suggested that Depression occurs in men as often as in women, however women are twice more likely to be diagnosed. It is thought that this is possibly due to:
Men express their depressive symptoms in different ways such as anger, perhaps men are not comfortable expressing their emotions or admitting that they are going through a difficult time.
Women could experience Depression at different stages of their lives including perinatal / postpartum, menopause and following cancer diagnosis.

As human beings we may face difficult and challenging times in life, these could trigger negative feelings and thoughts which could vary from feeling low to clinical depression.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect the person’s behaviour for example difficulty paying attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. 
ADHD can:

  • Affect different aspects of a person’s life including home, work and social life.

  • Affect adults, young people and children.

  • Co-exist with anxiety and depression.

    Treatment is available for ADHD including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).




Anger Management

Anger is an emotion which we all feel at times however the extreme expression of anger could lead to undesirable consequences.

Anger issues affect people of different ages, genders, social class and professional status.

Anger Management Programme
This structured program is specifically designed for clients (men or women) who recognise they have an anger issue which they would like to understand and take control of.

This program is based on:

  • One to one sessions with the Therapist.

  • 7 Therapy sessions.

  • Each session would last for one hour.



What is Problem or Compulsive Gambling? 
Compulsive or obsessive gambling is a disorder characterised by repeated attempts by the person to resist urges to gamble but with unsuccessful results.

Compulsive gambling could affect the gambler's physical, mental health, emotional wellbeing as well as their relationship with others 
Mona has a Diploma in Counselling for gambling issues, and has many years experience working with individuals who struggle with gambling issues. 

Gambling Therapy Programme 
This structured program for individuals who recognise that they have a gambling issue which they wish to address and control. 

The programme is based on:

  • One to one sessions with the Therapist. 

  • 12 to 15 Therapy sessions. 

  • Each session would last for one hour. 


Relationship issues

Sometimes a couple could face difficult times in their relationship or marriage, this may result in arguing over what seems to be trivial matters, avoidance or resentment. 
A couple might be troubled with infidelity, emotional,  physical or sexual intimacy, other issues could relate to abuse in its various forms. Separation and divorce could evoke distress at different levels in one or both the adults.

Your therapist would provide you both with a safe, confidential, non-judgmental environment, where you would both talk about your troubling issues, exploring your feelings, thoughts, and would help give you both the time to find your own answers and reach your own decisions.


Stress is normal and we all experience it at different times of our lives, however high levels of stress over a long period of time can impact on an individual's daily life as well as relationships with others around them.

Stress could relate to Work, School, College or University. 

Stress Management Programme
This structured program is designed for clients who are experiencing a high level of stress which is affecting their psychological, emotional and physical well being.

This program is for 7 sessions, one session per week and every session is one hour.

Traumatic Stress

A traumatic event is often unexpected and can be a single, multiple events or circumstances that an individual experiences as being harmful or threatening, evoking frightening emotions. The trauma can affect the person's emotional, psychological, physical and daily well being.
For some individuals the reaction to a traumatic event can be short term however others could experience extended and more severe mental health consequences.  

Traumatic stress can be the result of being directly involved in the traumatic event or being repeatedly exposed to it.
As a result a person might feel anxious, jumpy, disconnected or numb.

Your Therapist would provide you with a safe, confidential environment to enable you to process this. 

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